Avoid Losing Up To 90% of Your Customers To SGE Sites!

You're working harder than ever to rank #1 in Google but meanwhile, Generative AI powered Search Engines are swallowing up search traffic and stealing your customers right under your nose.

We Know Just How To Help You. Give Us 3 Minutes To Prove It To You!

We prepare a comprehensive report for You.

What will you find inside it?

SGE Response Status

  • See exactly what % of:

    • queries,

    • total Search Volume and

    • the estimated clicks number from those queries we check

      will potentially be affected by SGE upon rollout.

  • Discover:

    • exact and how many queries may be affected by SGE*

    • how much of your business's total search volume may be affected by SGE

    • what total volume of estimated clicks may be affected by SGE.

      * by “affected by SGE” we mean - you might lose even up to 90% of total traffic from the affected queries/searches/clicks as SGE is going to be a MUCH more captivating experience than current Search Engine Results.

SERP Rankings of SGE Sources

  • Many SGE-related articles claim that “it’s enough to be in the top 3 to make it to SGE”.

    Well, our research shows otherwise.

  • With this report, you will see a summary of regular SERP positions of sources (links) visible in the SGE results and you may be shocked that you won’t compete against sites ranking 1-10, but with sites ranking 1-100 with much different content and specifics than your current competitors.

SGE Sources Coverage By Domain

  • The introduction of SGE will bring quite a lot of new “real estate” in search results pages as most of the SGE responses are backed with varying numbers of sources (links) to sites that were used to build your answer. This report will show you what percentage of all sources is currently taken by each of the specific domains.

  • This report is a great source of information about who your new competitors will be once the SGE is rolled out.

  • You will also be able to compare the coverage that your domain is taking compared with the others.

Your domain Top Positions in SGE Sources

  • This report tells you how high your domain shows up in the SGE results. This information gives you a more in-depth understanding of your situation in SGE - whether you are listed high in the sources for a few queries or you are showing up for a whole lot of queries but take a very low position.

    Or maybe something in between? See for yourself!


SGE Sample Report


  • 100 Queries checked

  • Aggregated reports

  • Summary tab with overview and explaination of all graphs

SGE Coverage Report


  • 700 Queries checked

  • Aggregated reports

  • Summary tab with overview and explaination of all graphs

SGE Coverage Report + Clarity Call


  • 1500 Queries checked

  • Aggregated reports

  • Report scope: Unlimited

  • Raw data included

  • Clarity call - 1 hour consultation with our expert

  • BONUS: 3 months of ZipTie.dev for free!

You're just one form away from clarity!

Please select how you want to choose queries to be checked in the report?

Choose your report Size


By submitting this form I agree to SGE Services Terms of Service and commit to fulfilling all technical requirements listed in it. (required)

Privacy Policy: United States, European Union

IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that currently SGE Reports are available for

"We're currently preparing some of the largest organizations on the planet for the SGE impact. If you need a custom solution - you finally found it!"

Founder and Head of Innovations - Bart Goralewicz.

Our customers turned into raving fans

*Service delivery deadline is subject to confirmation as we’ll be working on the first to order, first to serve basis.

Every incoming order will be scheduled for the nearest available date

(to be confirmed via email after the order - if we aren’t able to accommodate your needs, we’ll issue an immediate refund).

Mail us with any questions @ hello@onely.com

We do our best to reply within a few hours on a business day.

Working across the technical spectrum of SEO, Onely provides strong commercial value to clients through cutting-edge solutions.

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